Sunday, April 8, 2012

OSI model

Basics about OSI model

Osi model is the current model that almost every PC uses to connect to the internet(another computer). It consists of 7 layers which are shown in the image below

  • The layer closer to the user is the first one at the top(Application layer). For example user can open an application like firefox or outlook etc. These applications are included in Application layer or (layer 7 in the OSI model).
  • After this we go to the Presentation layer whre basically we have our operating system. Everything that our operating system does for a connection in the internet its all done here.
  • In the Session layer according to the OSI model a session bettween our computer and server is created. Imagine a client and a server making a socket.
  • In the next layer named Transport layer its all about windowing. Information and packets sending to server etc.
  • In the Network layer there is everything our router do. Everything about our IP etc.
  • In the Data link layer there is our MAC address and maybe a switcher if we have) :)
  • Finally, in the physical layer there are all the parts we use to connect physically to the internet. This includes wiring router(as a device) etc.

                                                                                                                  (image from wikipedia)

Further Connections

Rememeber that if for exemple you want to connect two computers in the same network(eg. les say in your home) you dont care about MAC address or router's address. You only need the IPv4 address of the two computers. The connection can established via SSH access, FTP or something else. It's on you! If you want to transfer files(eg. 4GB) and you dont have a good connection then its crap. This method dont work very well and its bery slow! On the other hand you can use a crosssover cable to transfer your data. Search in your local electronics shop for "crossover cable".

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